The Peacebuilding Fund was established as an innovative mechanism aimed at
extending critical support during the early stages of a peace process, immediately
following the conclusion of a peace agreement, when sufficient resources from other
funding mechanisms were not yet available.
The report provides an overview of the administration and management of the
Fund, including its establishment, management arrangements and oversight structure,
as well as an overview of contributions made to the Fund. As of July 2007, the Fund
had received pledges and contributions exceeding 90 per cent of the US$ 250 million
funding target from a broad base of donors, including many members of the
Peacebuilding Commission. The operations of the Fund in the countries under
consideration by the Peacebuilding Commission and coordination with other funding
mechanisms are also described in the report. Finally, a set of lessons learned during
the first year of operation of the Fund is provided, including suggestions to improve
disbursement processes.
The Peacebuilding Fund – Report of the Secretary-General